Pet First Aid/CPR

Dog and cat small with red cross logo
Do you know how to help your pet in an emergency situation? How do you control severe bleeding? What is the proper technique for giving rescue breaths to an animal? Could you find your pet’s pulse? When do you have to do CPR and what is the correct ratio of compressions for your pet? Is it okay to give human drugs to my pet? How can I prevent my pet from getting car-sick.Scooper Trooper is happy to offer you an important and exciting new book that will help to answer all of these questions and many more. Learn the basic skills to help your pets survive emergency situations until a pet-hospital or veterinarian can be reached. This book covers a broad range of first aid topics, from minor emergencies to severe bleeding, poisoning, broken bones, burns and even CPR.


Pet First Aid

List Price $12.95: Sale $8.95, In stock
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This unique Pet First Aid book is sanctioned by the American Red Cross and the Humane Society of The United States.
If you would like to purchase a copy of this book simply give us a call or send us a quick email:
(907) 677-7473 or